Sandpiper Bay Homeowners Association

Latest News

Monday, January 23, 2017

Special Meeting Notice!

Please attend the Special Meeting that will be held on Wednesday January 25th at 6pm. The meeting location will be held at the MCL cafeteria at 2370 W. 86th Street in Indianapolis.

The meeting is only regarding the amendments to our Declaration of Covenants for the Sandpiper Bay Homeowners Association that everyone received notice of last month.

Sandpiper Bay 2016 Annual Board Minutes


Annual Meeting 2016 Board Minutes

BOARD: Janie Byus, Tina Eissler, Naomi Patterson, Laura Mitchell

MGMT:  Susan Keene, Larry Edwards

CSI Protective Services:  Chad Butts

The Sandpiper Bay HOA held its Annual Meeting on November 16, 2016 at MCL Cafeteria.  Laura Mitchell, president, called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and introduced the other Board members in attendance.

Larry Edwards from Property Services Group gave the management/maintenance report:
   All buildings have had roofs and gutters replaced in the past two years.
   PSG and the Board are maintaining the siding project that should last at least two more years.  The majority of work to be completed is on South and East drives.
   Patio doors and chimney caps are the main source of the rotted siding.  The Board has authorized chimney caps for Building #6 as the money is available.
   The fence project is continuing.  All divider fences on North drive and ½ on West drive are finished.  The perimeter fence on the west side has been completed.
   The homeowners are responsible for replacing the patio doors on their units.  A bad door is usually the source of any deck leaks.  The contractor should use Smart trim and flash the top and bottom of the door.
   The Association replaced the entrance sign with a more colorful one
   A program to thin out the river birch trees has started.  The trees are too large for the area and are constantly dropping limbs and leaves. 
   PSG is looking into a new IPL program that will provide free LED light for the outdoor lamps.

Jane Byus explained the new Architectural rules.  Homeowners are to fill out architectural forms for any exterior change in color or style.  Replacing windows, doors, shrubs, and trees will also need permission.  Gloria Connor and Larry Fon have agreed to serve on the committee.  You can get Architectural forms online or by calling the office.

Chad Butts from CSI Protective Services reminded homeowners that he does provide a vacation check for anyone who asks.  CSI drives through two times per day.  He also cautioned homeowners to keep front and back porch lights on in the evening.  Many car thefts this time of year occur because owners start the car and go back inside for warmth.

The Board discussed the new amendment for rental units with the group.  A homeowner must live in any purchased unit for 5 years before renting.  This amendment will “grandfather” any rentals that now exist.
The lawyer also simplified the By-Laws to coincide with state law.  The state law now reads that no precedent is set on ay decision.

The Collection policy for Sandpiper Bay will be published in the Annual Meeting minutes.  It is best to communicate with the office when there is a problem.  Management will work with homeowners and try to come up with solutions.  Any homeowner who misses a payment will receive a letter from PSG after 30 days.  At the end of two months the account will be sent to the attorney.

The 2017 budget was presented to the HOA.  Many in attendance opposed the $10 increase since there had been an increase in 2016.  The Board explained that this increase was earmarked for the Reserve.  George Fritz felt that the fee should be higher to fund the Reserve, but the Board wanted to watch its expenses carefully.

Other Announcements:
   Snow removal for the community will begin with at least 3” of snow.  Ice Melt will also be spread at the entrance.
   No boats should be stored for the winter on the seawall or leaning against a divider fence.  The Board would not have a problem with boats being locked in the pool area.
   Tina Eissler announced that Ely Stokes had agreed to clean fireplace chimneys for $79.00.  Any homeowner who wants to take advantage of that price should call Tina.

   Laura Mitchell is leaving the Board as her term is expiring.  If anyone would like to volunteer to join the Board is more than welcome.  (Note:  After the meeting Ryan Seigfried volunteered to join the Board.)

The meeting was adjourned.